Heart of Gran Paradiso National Park

Restaurant Vallée de Cogne

A real Cogne welcome

In addition to traditional local fare, Anna and Silvano, the brother and sister chef team behind the restaurant at the Vallée de Cogne Hotel, offer classic Italian dishes and, for those with an eye to their waistbands, special light meals. The rich buffet of vegetables and salad items straight from their vegetable patch is a constant fixture. The restaurant’s main specialties include grass-fed mountain cheeses that should not be missed and typical charcuterie such as mocetta and lardo – all of which goes down a treat with the valley’s delicious mountain wines.

Where we are in Cogne

Contact details

Web: www.hotelvalleedecogne.it/index.php…
Mail: info@hotelvalleedecogne.it
Telephone: +39 0165 74079
Fax: +39 0165 749279
Avenue Cavagnet, 6
11012 Cogne (AO) - Aosta Valley

Val di Cogne
Tourism Operators Consortium

Rue Bourgeois, 33 - 11012 Cogne (AO)
Aosta Valley - Italy - PI / CF 01065870071
info@cogneturismo.it - Tel. +39 0165 74835

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