Heart of Gran Paradiso National Park

Rendez-vous with tradition with La Devétéya de Cogne

September 30, 2023 - EVENTS

Devétéya de Cogne - Aosta Valley

One of the most long-awaited weekends is coming: the one that marks the end of summer season in Cogne valley.

It's Devétéya, the descent of the herds from higher alpine pastures. An event that succeeds in combining nature, culture and traditions...you can't miss it!

Sabato 30 settembre

Discesa delle mandrie dagli alpeggi con sfilata in paese, in compagnia del gruppo folkloristico Lou Tintamaro de Cogne.
Mercatino di prodotti tipici e artigianato.

Domenica 1° ottobre

S. Messa e benedizione degli animali, in compagnia del gruppo folkloristico Lou Tintamaro Enfants.

The dinner of the Devétéya

Book Saturday's dinner

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Val di Cogne
Tourism Operators Consortium

Rue Bourgeois, 33 - 11012 Cogne (AO)
Aosta Valley - Italy - PI / CF 01065870071
info@cogneturismo.it - Tel. +39 0165 74835

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