Heart of Gran Paradiso National Park

Studio Savin

Treatments for your health

Viviana Savin, with a degree in sport sciences, kinesiology and osteopathy, runs her practice a few steps from the Church where she offers joint mobilization, posture-improving exercises and massages to improve your wellbeing. 

Where we are in Cogne

Contact details

Telephone: +39 333 4141038
Rue des Clementines, 13
11012 Cogne (AO) - Aosta Valley

Opening times

With reservation

Val di Cogne
Tourism Operators Consortium

Rue Bourgeois, 33 - 11012 Cogne (AO)
Aosta Valley - Italy - PI / CF 01065870071
info@cogneturismo.it - Tel. +39 0165 74835

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